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北欧 mascot 男士紧身衣健身跑步排汗速干长袖T恤 黑灰色上衣

  • 北欧 mascot 男士紧身衣健身跑步排汗速干长袖T恤 黑灰色上衣
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:15
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 73
  • 综合得分:
  • 信誉得分:
  • 品牌:mascot
  • 货号:5d1a9b9beace
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家xuyun7955


  • 品牌:mascot
  • 适用对象:中性
  • 吊牌价:258
  • 颜色分类:黑灰色
  • 主要功能:速干防虫
  • 运动户外项目:郊游野营攀冰
  • 图案:素色
  • 尺码:S-M2XL-3XL
  • 服装版型:修身型
  • 价格区间:50元以下




History on MASCOT
The history behind MASCOT is first and foremost about an idea and a burning desire to bring that idea to life. At the same time, it is a story about an industry that has undergone extensive development, where MASCOT has set the standard, not followed it.

Then came the bear
The idea was to make workwear of a high quality. Then came a little bear in the logo, which would symbolise durability and warmth, and soon MASCOT became known as the “one with the bear”. The bear continues with MASCOT today. Now the second generation is at the helm of the family owned business, and MASCOT is today an experienced player and one of the largest in the workwear market in Europe.

An industry with strong development
Everyone who has had involvement with workwear during the last 5 years will be able to see a completely new agenda. A specific colour no longer depicts a specific occupation. There is much more individual thought behind the choice of workwear. The choice between styles, functions and designs has become far greater. MASCOT has given wearers in many industries the possibility of individual choice. The range today also includes safety footwear.

From local operator to global organization
In a few years MASCOT has grown from a handful of employees and a small product range to an international organisation with 300 employees in Europe and 17,000 products. Furthermore, MASCOT opened its own factory in Vietnam in 2008 with 1900 employees.

The strategy is still the same
Much has changed over the years but the strategy remains the same. The basic idea is still to make high quality workwear for the everyday user. What the everyday user wants and can be offered on the other hand is very changeable. Who knows – in a few years there may be entirely new industries that pull professional workwear in a different direction. Either way, MASCOT will continue to follow our key principles, to develop modern, functional and eye-catching workwear for tomorrow’s wearer.
